October 21, 2013


I just realised that I had shown a peek of my Dries Van Noten clutch on instagram a while back, but then never actually showed you the full package. Its mossy glossy leather has got me like:

Chloƫ knows the worth of a good clutch. So here it is, lying atop one of its cousins:

Now we're on the subject of Antwerp and fashion: I went to see Diane Pernet's A Shaded View on Fashion Film Festival last week and it was a total treat. Hours of short films by the most talented visionaries; I've been in dire need of inspiration of late so it was just what the doctor ordered! 

The cherry on top was attending (thanks to KNOTORYUS) the very first Fashion Talks conference. Guest speakers like Walter Van Beirendonck, Tim Blanks and Imran Amed talked about the importance of pairing business sense with fashion creativity, the changes in runway culture, the significance of conglomerate fashion takeovers, developing markets and much more. It's safe to say Antwerp was where the fashion buzz was at, last week. And thus, I live once again!

 (Check out the KNOTORYUS Twitter account for some great quotes of that day)

My hero, Tim Blanks, was so self-deprecating and whimsical. LOVE THAT MAN.