August 10, 2009

Kings of Style-On

Yes, my titles do get better every time, thank you very much.
This post is about one of my favourite bands around, Kings of Leon. Surely you must have been in some jungle licking the backs of frogs if you haven't heard 'Sex On Fire' or 'Use Somebody' yet, and I applaud you if you know their other stuff too. Not only are Caleb, Jared, Matthew and Nathan Followill exquisite musicians, but they also have a very good sense of - wait for it- style. A mix of southern chap with a rock'n'roll twist, I could best describe it. They're no strangers to simple tees, plaid shirts, leather jackets, vests, necklaces, skinny jeans and tattoos but they also clean up very nicely (as depicted below). Everyone can feel like a rock star: all you need is some kick-ass clothes, facial hair (unless you’re a non circus-employed female) and sweet K.O.L. tunes. And maybe a frog for you to lick.

Top 5 (varies. A lot.): Closer, On Call, Be Somebody, Day Old Blue, Notion and Use Somebody.

(images: H.U.'s Facebook,,


Suzanne said...


Wat leuk dat je ook Rechten studeert! Maar je hebt gelijk dat het fashionbrein ook nooit stopt. Ik hoop al mijn passies dan ook te kunnen combineren in de toekomst!

Suusje Q.

Miiicha said...

I love them! they are SOOO GOOD

Love Miiicha

Unknown said...

Kings of Leon are what I like to call UH-MAZE-IN. : ) PS: Thanks for the bit about Site Meter!

Charleston said...

the leon boys are certainly polished and crisp with their attire these days, but a part of me longs for their old LP days, where they looked like pixie princes and wore tattered indie. a great post regardless though sir