The sun's been around for billions of years, so you'd guess it'd have memorised its task by now. Yet sometimes she refuses to do her thang (yes, I just said 'thang', Kevin Gnapoor ain't got nothin' on me!). So you've already laid out your most bodacious sunbathing ensemble and the grey clouds roll in and turn that smile around. The happy sun is a faint memory and all you want to do is stay inside and stuff your face with Werther's Originals and watch B-movies. While I'm not denying the cinematic importance of "Don't All Uncles Touch You There? - The Ella McGonnigall Story", there's something to be said about manning up and facing the sunshine. Ahem, rain. Put on a dapper outfit, accesorize with a bright umbrella and nothing will be able to rain on your parade! Except maybe my rain-related puns.
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